Fondo europeo agricolo per lo sviluppo rurale: l'Europa investe nelle zone rurali




The Torchiato di Fregona is a rare and precious wine and represents the history and culture of a territory. Tenacious producers preserve ancient traditions with pride; still today for example racking takes place on 2 August on the occasion of the festival of men. The technique of production and the vines used are also traditional. To preserve the production of this wine which was in danger of disappearing, a withering centre was recently created around which were grouped the historical producers of this wine in the Cantina Produttori Fregona s.c.a. under the trademark Piera Dolza. Piera Dolza is actually the name of the stone from which the Grotte del Caglieron are made and on which the basis of the original winepress is made that can still be found in Fregona.
Torchiato di Fregona, the history of a land in a timeless wine.

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