Fondo europeo agricolo per lo sviluppo rurale: l'Europa investe nelle zone rurali



The area of Colli di Conegliano lends itself very well to the production of white, red and sweet wines due to the natural vocation of the hills, the type of soil, calcareous and moraine, the levelling of the vineyards, girapoggio style contour ploughing, in the more sloping sections and ritocchino style contour ploughing, where instead the slope is less marked, and also due to the temperate climate that characterises the area.

The ground, due to the skeletal and gravelly nature, gives the wines of Colli di Conegliano sensations of vinosity that perfectly preserve the light aromaticity of the vines such as the Incrocio Manzoni and the Marzemino that only in these places assume such an encompassing organoleptic profile. The propensity for aging of certain Colli di Conegliano wines is especially due to the geographical position that facilities, given the considerable thermal excursions and the cool breezes during the ripening process, preservation of the acidity, while maintaining a balance with the alcohol and sugar profile resulting in the excellent drinkability of these wines. The draining effect of the land due to its constitution and fabric, allows the vines to express in the grapes all the components of flowers and fruit that contribute to making the wines very delicate and harmonious.

For the Torchiato di Fregona, the loose soils and the cool climate of the area allow the vines, in particular the Boschera, to produce good vegetation and grains rich in sugar and aromatic substances, but in a dispersed bunch, meaning the grapes resist for longer during the withering stage.

The vineyards located in the northern part of the Denomination are highly suited for the production of grapes intended for drying, given that during the winter these areas are characterised by the presence of cold and dry currents that allow, in the premises intended for this practice, the drying and the refinement of the bunches to then obtain the quality sweet wines of Fregona and Refrontolo..

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