Fondo europeo agricolo per lo sviluppo rurale: l'Europa investe nelle zone rurali




The Refrontolo Passito is not released for consumption until after an aging of at least three months in bottles. An intense ruby red colour, delicate fragrance, fruity, characteristic, vinous, it is a sweet wine, full-bodied, lively, ideal for entertaining or desserts. The Colli di Conegliano Refrontolo is a still red wine produced almost entirely with Marzemino grapes, a vine that requires land that needn't be particularly fertile such that it won't grow excessively, with a dispersed bunch, small grapes and with a skin that is very crisp and thick. This variety gives the product vinous notes and a warm flavour, with body and a dry taste. The aging of this wine lasts up to 12 months in oak barrels and is offered for consumption 24 months following harvest.

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